This beautiful home on Seabreeze Way in Oxnard is a new build. The layout, details and color scheme were so charming but one important thing was missing – staging! If you really want to showcase how a home can look and feel, there really is no other option than to stage. And boy, did it pay off!
Prior to having the home staged, it was listed for nearly 3 months with no success. After we staged, this beauty sold in under 20 days. This is why we say, an investment in staging up front, brings huge return in the end.
From a design standpoint, we complemented the cool gray and white colors with similar hues and pops of blue (it’s a beach home after all!). We added fun elements like drift wood accents and sisal rugs for a natural feel, while making sure the home felt elevated and elegant enough to reflect its $1,349,000 price point. Take a stroll through Seabreeze and see what you think!

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